Monday, October 27, 2008

The Joy of Cheese Presents Alpine Nation

With the holidays closing in, there's only one set of Joy of Cheese tastings in November (and no public events in December) so we're closing out the year with alpine cheeses. There will be three segments to this tasting: American Alpine cheeses (I know that geographically, the actual Alps don't extend across the Atlantic ocean, but one taste of some new Americans like the Leelanau Aged Raclette and you'll see that the cheese making wisdom does). The second subset of the tasting is on the soft cheeses of Switzerland; it's an interesting country with influences of German, Italian and French cheesemaking mixing together. And lastly we'll end with a series of unique and rare Alpine style cheeses from Switzerland.
The tastings will be held WEDNESDAYS November 12th and 19th at 10 Degrees, 121 St. Mark's Place, in the East Village. Tickets are $40. You can make reservations via e-mail at thejoyofcheese AT Gmail or you can buy tickets in advance with a slight discount via